
Order:   Passeriformes

Family:   Rhynchocyclidae

Species:   Todirostrum cinereum

IOC English name:  Common Tody-Flycatcher

This bird's name (Portuguese "ferreirinho-relógio" : English "clock-blacksmith") comes from the fact that its singing is very similar to the sound of winding a watch. Measuring between 8 and 10 centimeters, the Common Tody-Flycatcher has yellow plumage in the frontal region and darker in the wings, tail and head. It is very similar to the Gray-headed Tody-Flycatcher, making it easier to discern the two species by songs. Very active, this bird is usually seen jumping among the branches in search of insects, which make up its food. It can be seen at the Praia Vermelha Campus, usually close to the IPUB, with the species nesting within the Campus.