
Order:   Suliformes

Family:   Fregatidae

Species:   Fregata magnificens

IOC English name:  Magnificent Frigatebird

The treasury is easily mistaken as a "seagull", for flying over coastal areas at high altitudes. However, their characteristics differ entirely from seagulls. They are large birds, with a length of 85 to 100 centimeters and more than two meters in wingspan. Its feathers are completely black, with the exception of the pectoral region of the females, which is white in color. Males are distinguished from females by having a reddish pouch in the neck area, which can be inflated at the time of mating. Although they are unable to dive into the water, their food basically consists of fish, which are caught on the surface of the water. They are excellent gliders and can be seen in large flies flying over the campus of Praia Vermelha throughout the day.