
Order:   Passeriformes

Family:   Thraupidae

Species:   Ramphocelus bresilius

IOC English name:  Brazilian Tanager

One of the most beautiful birds in the country, the Brazilian tanager measures approximately 20 centimeters in length, weighs about 30 grams and has sexual dimorphism, the male being a bright red and the female brownish, with a clear belly. His singing is not considered especially beautiful, but sometimes some Brazilian tanagers sing together. They feed on fruits, insects and worms. The species occurs exclusively in Brazil, with two recognized subspecies, Ramphocelus bresilius bresilius and Ramphocelus bresilius dorsalis, the latter more common in Rio de Janeiro, with a darker and striated red back than the former. The Brazilian tanager is considered a symbol of the Atlantic Forest and was spotted in the vicinity of the Praia Vermelha Campus.