
Order:   Piciformes

Family:   Ramphastidae

Species:   Ramphastos vitellinus

IOC English name:  Channel-billed Toucan

One of the most beautiful birds that inhabit Rio de Janeiro, the black-billed toucan was almost extinct in the city, having been reintroduced in the 1960s. Measuring approximately 46 centimeters in length, the black-billed toucan has the body is almost completely dark, with the exception of the belly and tail, which have red feathers, and the orange color, very striking. The feathers near its large beak also have reddish colors. He usually walks in couples or in bands and vocalizes a lot, a singing that is strong, but not especially beautiful. Its diet is varied, including fruits, insects, spiders, eggs, bats, amphibians and even chicks of other birds, which is why it is promptly chased away by smaller birds. A couple of toucans have sometimes been spotted eating fruit on the trees at the Praia Vermelha campus facing Rua Lauro Müller. Even today it is considered an endangered species.